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So we’re excited and happy that the judge saw fit to deny his bail.”Ĭannick has been at the forefront of efforts to bring Buck to trial, along with one of the victim’s mother, LaTisha Nixon, who has been urging members of her community to sign a petition to deny Buck bail. Home is where he was injecting people and sexually assaulting people. Home is where his drugs were delivered to.

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“Home is where his crimes were committed. “Ed Buck was asking to be confined to his home,” Cannick said.

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Los Angeles-based activist and journalist Jasmyne Cannick told the media that even if Buck had been in home confinement, he would be a major risk to the public. Yet, US magistrate judge Rozella A Oliver of the US District Court for the Central District of California had deemed Buck to be an extreme flight risk, rejecting his plea for an electric ankle monitor as well as bail for $400,000, NBC Los Angeles reported.īuck, 66, is facing a slew of federal and state felonies that accuse him of operating a “drug factory” which led to the deaths of three Black gay men.ĭarden told the New York Times: “I am disturbed by the notion that people made Ed Buck’s arrest and prosecution a political issue.”

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